Monday, 16 May 2011


Last week, I went with my mentors Mark and Sandra and my colleages in Lab class to Library to know the method of working in there . It was not the first time that I go to the library where I went to the Library with my friend who study at university . I knew in the first visiting by my friend on sections of the library and instructed me on the search methods for particular book by the computer that is located there .
When I went to the library last times, the acadmic atmosphere was fun and all students were engrossed in reading their subjects to prepare for their tests.
I felt so excited to study and the visit has given me motivation for strong start fo the study and to share these students their acadmic achievement .
When I arrived to the library, I tried to find the book which I selected from the cumputer but I did not find it . So I asked Mark about it where went us again to the shelf and looked for it . He has taught me how to find any book by class number, shelf number and code section .
I will go back to the library again to look for and borrow the book I was looking for .

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that your trips to the library have been so positive, despite the fact that you couldn't find the book you wanted!

    We will look at a couple of issues relating to sentence structure together in our next Lab session. Some of your expressions are great, but I can also see that when you want to pack lots of information into one sentence, it becomes difficult. Hopefully this is something that you can improve upon as the presessional programme progresses.
